17 Reasons Why You Should Ignore how often do you get botox
Botox (botulism) is a serious health problem that affects more than 90,000 Americans annually. The best course of action is to get it checked out and treated after the initial surgery.
I find myself on the extreme end of this problem because I’ve had two different procedures for botulism over the years. The first one was a simple cyst removal, which required a general anesthesia. It was very effective, but it required a lot of recovery time, so I ended up using it once and then switching to a more invasive treatment called a cysto-capsular technique, which uses an incision right on the face.
The second time I had a cyst removed was a year and a half ago. It was a bit more complicated, involving two incisions and the removal of a lot of hair around the area. I was also left with a permanent scar and was afraid that the scar would be too noticeable. So my advice is use caution, keep yourself well hydrated, and avoid hot baths.
Botox is a popular treatment for wrinkles when injected under the skin. But the fact that it’s so painful and permanent means that it’s not something that you want to be doing to yourself. So if you have any type of wrinkle, it’s best to be careful not to get a full cysto-capsular treatment.
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